Tuesday, April 14, 2009

First Press Release - April 14, 2009

Sent out earlier today through CNW. Here it is.

PeerFX Making Waves in the Investment Community

Vancouver, BC, April 14, 2009 - If you ever watched the CBC television program Dragon’s Den the name PeerFX will sounds familiar to you! Since declining the Dragons’ offer, the company has been bootstrapped and is now seeking investment capital. This past February, PeerFX, the online peer-to-peer currency exchange service, held a well received investor forum by local and international investors. Now focussed on business development efforts, PeerFX continues to peak investor interest with each new milestone and is looking to close its first financing round by the third quarter of 2009.

On April 6th 2009, PeerFX launched its peer-to-peer foreign exchange service with an aim to cut through the clutter promising simplicity and better rates. It has already attracted initial customer sign ups plus a waiting list of over 250 people. The Big Deal? PeerFX customers can now exchange Canadian and US dollars at the “interbank or median”, a rate typically accessible by large financial institutions. What does this mean for small businesses and individuals? They can now save up to 80% on their currency exchange transaction fees.

The PeerFX opportunity is still open to investors interested in the growing foreign exchange industry. Potential investors and media are encouraged to contact PeerFX for more information. To view a short video of the investor forum visit the “News & Resources” section of www.peerfx.com.


For further information please contact:

Julien Phipps
Director of Marketing and Business Development
PeerFX – Changing Exchanging
(E) julien.phipps@peerfx.com

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