We've waited a little bit to announce this on the blog but we're extremely excited that we've been approved for government funding for the next 10 months of our development efforts. This morning we distributed a press release through CNW newswire to share the news and it's been picked up by Yahoo! Finance and other trade networks.
Our IRAP representative was super helpful in guiding us with the application and you can read the press release here: http://www.newswire.ca/en/releases/archive/June2009/24/c9587.html
Congrats Florence and Crew!
Congratulations you guys! I've been following your blog for sometime, and it is fantastic news. $125,000 is 60%+ of what the "Dragons" were willing to offer and I'm assuming you won't have to lose over as much control of the business!
All these accomplishments in less than 2 years since incorporating and airing on Dragon's Den. Great job and best of luck!
Thank you for the supportive comments! It's extremely encouraging that the government is confident in PeerFX and we hope this will give investors confidence to join us in our opportunity as well.
More cumbersome, and despite what the PeerFX website says, more expensive than changing money at the big banks (my bank offers rates @1% all fees inclued (PeerFX >1%). How could these guys not make money?!? I would be totally behind you if you were taking this business in a viable direction (such as catering to small $ transactions at low exchange rates like described on Dragon's Den). However you're off on pie-in-the-sky tangent, making this funding an egregious waste of taxpayer $$$.
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